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Old 06-12-2010, 09:59 AM   #1
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Default My First Time Wetshaving :)

Hey Guys-
After reading the wetshaving thread you guys got me very interested. Before now I have always used regular disposables or electronic shaver. Anyways, today I decided to go to Sally's because all of the other stores I checked did not have them. They had one with a plastic handle, so for my first razor this is what I got, along with 5 Personna blades. Well, while I was shaving I found it to be very painful. Not the kind of pain from hairs ripping out, but just the feeling of the the blade running across my skin in general. The blades seem very sharp and everything. Does anyone have this happen to them before, maybe I did something wrong, or maybe it is just my skin is not used to it? Thank you in advance!
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