06-11-2010, 10:35 AM
Knowhutimean, Vern?
Join Date: Oct 2008
First Name: Andy
Location: In a little town somewhere in the USA
Posts: 10,237
Re: A-Team 2010.....
Originally Posted by T.G
Ok, I didn't know that. Aside from some of Alan Moore's work, I really haven't read that many comics, and never really followed a series or character.
I guess since they gave him superpowers (bringing the dead guy in the cage back to life), I can overlook the implausability of one heavily armed recreational vehic... er, shark with a laser... no... a codebreaking dolphin, no a racecar wrenching monkey, no, not it either, a horse with gatling guns mounted on the saddle.
Holy shark repellant bat spray, Batman!

Insert quote here.