Originally Posted by andysutherland
But Jonah Hex was originally based in the real world (before Vertigo turned it into a supernatural version). Jonah Hex would have been awesome if it was filmed 30 years ago and starred Clint Eastwood. Those old tales were based off of spaghetti westerns.
Ok, I didn't know that. Aside from some of Alan Moore's work, I really haven't read that many comics, and never really followed a series or character. I don't think I even knew of the Jonah Hex comics before a few months ago, oddly enough, I didn't even know about the movie until like two weeks ago.
I guess since they gave him superpowers (bringing the dead guy in the cage back to life), I can overlook the implausability of one heavily armed recreational vehic... er, shark with a laser... no... a codebreaking dolphin, no a racecar wrenching monkey, no, not it either, a horse with gatling guns mounted on the saddle.