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Old 06-10-2010, 09:24 PM   #1
I'm nuts for the place
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Default Overdue for a vacation

I am an admitted workaholic and I am well overdue for a vacation as I have not allowed myself to take a legitimate vacation in 5 years. Sad isn't it? Last summer my wife went to Europe and my dumb ass stayed home and worked. She made me promise to take a vacation this year as I need it. 3 more weeks until I finally get to remove myself from the daily hustle and finally relax as the wife and I will be taking a cruise for a week. I absolutely can not wait. Plan on catching up on some much needed R&R which will also include smoking a lot of my finest cigars.
The tell tale signs letting me know I am over due have been showing lately. It's been so damn busy the last few months and I am just worn out to the point that I am always tired and I get aggravated with people way to easy. The littlest things make me want to choke someone lately. These next three weeks can't go quick enough. Here's to hoping I make it!
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