Originally Posted by Huskysibe
Whats the general consensus on Meershaums? I think they look great and have wanted one but thought I would ask the experts. I have a Savanelli Churchwarden but want something shorter that I can take to Afghanistan with me and not worry about a big long stem getting broken. Any other pipes I should be on the lookout for that can be had fairly inexpensive and quickly? I have to leave real soon. Thanks!
Meers are great pipes. They smoke great, very cool. If you want them to color evenly, they say that you must wear gloves to keep the oils off the pipe. Ehhh, I didn't notice a big deal. Like I said, they smoke well.
They can be a bit more fragile than briar though. Especially the mortice - tenon area. But, if you're good to it, it isn't a problem.
Peace of the Lord be with you.