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Old 06-09-2010, 03:05 PM   #12
Jordan #2
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Default Re: Anyone play Fable 2 on xbox360?

Originally Posted by Wolfgang View Post
The "battles" have no challenge. In Fable 1 you ahd to kill Jack of Blades twice and it was semi difficult. Fable two you just beat the game by pressing "A". Kinda lame. The hookers in Fable 2 were funny though.
That and I don't know about anyone else, but STD's were a fun goal to attain

Overall, I was pretty disappointed with Fable 2. Straight out of the gate with the "and now we begin your quest" like they couldn't of thought up any better transitionary words to lead you into the mission at hand?

Plot was kinda thin, gameplay was very repetitive and it just lacked completion in some areas. With a game that dealt entirely on consequences of actions, you could do quite a bit of nasty stuff with no consequences

I still enjoyed it though overall... but only because I'm a Fable fan
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