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Old 06-09-2010, 12:03 PM   #1
Gramps 4x's
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Default Why so hateful lately?

Is it just me that has noticed this?

While the team of eleven does an awesome job on this site, the majority of which are personal friends of mine, it seems there are folks hell bent on making it tough.

This is a community and I personally view it as family. I have made so many friends throughout the country that I have herfed with thanks to this site. Family should take care of family. Totally sucks when life imitates art and you come here for a retreat and find yourself with similar family bickering we all have in our lives at home.

I recognize this is a forum that often times calls for views and opinions. However, very many times, it frankly doesn't and ones opinion is as welcome as a hole in the head. The trick is knowing when that arises. Am I good at it? I don't think any of us are perfect but we should all keep it in the back of our minds. The trick is to also refrain from offensive adjectives such as "morons", "idiots", "gay", etc.

I can't help but notice so many instances as of late where one person discusses something they like and immediately, without welcome, someone has to make a comment of how crappy it is, how stupid it is, how you are a moron, how you must be a blind follower of a cult and on and on. Tastes vary. Budgets vary. What makes me release serotonin differs from you. If I like a BMW and you like a Yugo, why should I knock your Yugo as a piece of crap, even if it is as has been proven? What you consider fun, someone else might consider boring. I think in those instances, one should take measure to what one says and if you don't like it, don't look at it, or simply state you don't like it. Why name calling? Why bickering? I have enough of that at home and it sucks to come here and find it also. message is simple. As I grow older (now 51) than many of the folks on this board and simultaneously wiser, I ask we all make the lives of all on this board a tad easier by thinking twice about comments/opinions that may be offensive. It is not about PC at all. It is about being courteous to someone that will likely make a great person to share a cigar with but instead, you pissed off with poorly selected and poorly thought out verbiage.
Little known fact: I am a former member of the Village People - The Indian
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