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Old 06-08-2010, 09:52 PM   #1974
Loves Wolfgang Guitars!!
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Default Re: Let's see pictures of your humidors !!

Before I settled on the tower I bought, I had been looking at that one. I only went with a different model for the outside finish. Yours is just loaded with wood too!! (Not to mention some great cigars!!)
Stock pics just don't do them justice, it's once that they are in a brother's home and holding his sticks that they truly look good!!!
How do you like the moistnaire unit, Jay? I had pondered that purchase for awhile but went with a humicare pro model because I was able to get it at a decent price. I have heard that they are good humidifiers. (Great fans and such). I think the humicare is nice but not a pro level unit.
Never Play Leapfrog with a Unicorn!!
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