I came home from my wedding and found!!
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06-08-2010, 09:25 PM
Still Watching My Back
Join Date: Apr 2010
First Name: Ernie
Location: Winnipeg, Canada
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I came home from my wedding and found!!
I turned my phone on in Toronto and found out I had 50 emails about cigars deals online and the wife gave that look and I told her how much I loved her and would smoke AS much as I did in Jamaica
back to my story. I received an email that I had to retrieve a gift from the brother of my best friend from Taiwan and it needed my attention ASAP!!! man the wife thought we were getting a new puppy. on our way there we were discussing what it could be... I get the package and we had to drive for a little bit because it was no puppy and it didn't look like a box of cigars. I pulled the truck over and opened the bad dog up and in the box is this canister type humidor with 10 little soldiers which I cannot buy up here in Winnipeg. yup it almost brought a tear to my eye as this was unexpected and the best wedding gift I could have ever wished for. I looked right and Jenn and told her that all the cook wear is hers.... ahh it was already hers she just let me think I might of had a say in it. thanks for reading my rant and I just wanted to share with you guys my special wedding gift.
oh and I made that ashtray from scratch. I got bored one day and thought it would be kinda neat to make one for me and one of my friends
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