Originally Posted by landhoney
I agree with the OP, keep within your budget.
My only general disagreement is with people's idea that credit cards are bad, or that you shouldn't charge things. If you have the money, what's wrong with that? I pay my balances off each month and an amazing thing happens....I get money back from the CC companies for every dollar I spend, to the tune of several hunded dollars a year. I'm in the camp that guns don't kill people, people kill people. It's the same with credit cards, they're not bad, but irresponsible spending with them is of course.
They also are a great way to keep track of spending (debit cards will do the same though). We upload all transactions into a financial program to track spending and keep up with how and where we are spending money. Harder to do with cash transactions.
I have to agree... this is Great advice from Mark to stay within your budget, but it is also a good idea to use the perks given to you if you can.
I keep a credit card on hand for monthly usage and I charged lots of stuff on that card. I get cash rewards for using it, plus I keep my money in the bank to earn interest (which is a crazy 4.56% on my checking account). Then come the due date on my card I pay off the entire balance that month... It is my special way of sticking it to the man since he stuck it to me until I learned not to carry balances...