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Old 06-08-2010, 06:31 AM   #167
Gramps 4x's
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Default Re: iphone 4 just announced.

Steve Jobs guide us. Steve Jobs teach us. Steve Jobs protect us. In your iLight we thrive. In your iMercy we are sheltered. In your iWisdom we are humbled. We live only to serve. Our iLives are yours.

I am always truly and genuinely fascinated by human behavior. Aside from being a frustrated attorney wanna be, I think I am frustrated shrink wanna be.

I truly can't comprehend what drives human behavior to feel compelled to criticize or attack what someone else likes if it does not conform with what one likes.

This Mac/PC debate is as silly as what topping is best on pizza. Who gives a rat's ass? It is what ever you feel like putting on it that you like.

My neighbor across the street lives in the same type of home I have, same street, same Boca Raton. I drive a BMW 330CI while he drives a 10 year old Toyota Corolla. Who is PC and who is Mac here? Who cares? It is all about what makes him happy and what makes me happy. I couldn't give a crap if he sells tickets to bang his wife.

If I enjoy Apple products, I am a brainless Steve Jobs follower? That crap is offensive and I truly think folks should sometimes shove their opinions where the sun doesn't shine when not asked.
Little known fact: I am a former member of the Village People - The Indian
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