Originally Posted by mithrilG60
PC market I can't see, Mac's are simply too expensive for most people to buy as the cheap commodity the average consumer expects a computer to be now. Mac's will always be a niche market primarily targeted at graphic and video industry professionals and urbanite wannabee's with too much money looking for the "in" fashion accessory.
Whether you see it or not, it's happening. It's exactly this attitude that hurting PC makers and Microsoft, for that matter. You're stuck with a *very* outdated view of Macs that simply doesn't fit the reality of the current situation. Furthermore, you're stuck with some bad math that doesn't really take software and user productivity into consideration. There's very good evidence out there to show that iPods and iPhones have become the Mac gateway drug: average people use them, like them, and then check out the computer and have the same experience. That's been the case for more than a dozen of my friends and, as of this new buying cycle, just about every colleague in my department (they're nearly all replacing their Dells with Macs ... and we are a Dell campus in significant ways).
Anyway, I don't even know why I feel compelled to rehash an argument that's been going on for a couple of decades and is totally outmoded. Some people just "can't see" ... but I think that's mainly because they refuse to open their eyes.