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Old 06-08-2010, 01:49 AM   #160
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Default Re: iphone 4 just announced.

Originally Posted by The Professor View Post
I guess you can only say things like that for so long. When Apple *does* start taking a bite out of the PC market and out of the enterprise phone market -- as it *has* -- then your objections kind of ring hollow. Apple has a pretty darned successful platform that a lot of people *like* because, well, it works and offers a pleasing experience. I think that's why more and more people are buying Apple products.

PC market I can't see, Mac's are simply too expensive for most people to buy as the cheap commodity the average consumer expects a computer to be now. Mac's will always be a niche market primarily targeted at graphic and video industry professionals and urbanite wannabee's with too much money looking for the "in" fashion accessory.

iPhone on the other hand...... RIM better pull up their innovation panties and bring out something pretty damn phenomenal in the next 6 to 12 months if they want to remain competitive with iPhone and Droid. Both platforms are making serious in-roads into the enterprise market, primarily iPhone right now but Droid's coming up quickly. In the last survey I saw 7 of every 10 current Blackberry users are planning on dropping their BB in favour of either an iPhone or a Droid when their mobile contract is next up for renewal. Given that Blackberry has failed miserably to penetrate the consumer space it any large degree the writing is on the wall for them if they can't figure out how to protect their lock on the enterprise market...... and having 70% of their core user base wanting to jump ship is certainly NOT the way to achieve that.

Originally Posted by ScottishSmoker View Post
I carry a BlackBerry...mainly for business uses...for instance, making phone calls and checking e-mail...not as a calorie calculator or a personal video game device....
Everyone else to RIM: the world moved on from the days when simple email and calendar were the "killer apps" in the handheld space a long long time ago. EVERYONE does that now, hell Palm did it before BB with the Palm 4 and look were they are now. With ActiveSync now being embedded in Exchange2007 RIM's big advantage pver iPhone and Droid (ie. BES) is gone, and BES was the one of the primary reasons for enterprise adopting BB in the first place. While there is an awful lot of really stupid and/or trivial apps published for the iPhone, most people do want a hell of a lot more out of their mobile devices than just email/calendar and frankly trying to do much more than email or calendar on a Blackberry makes smoking a Cremosa look enjoyable by comparison.

Innovate or die, that's the rule of tech and RIM is quickly becoming the next Palm.......
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