Originally Posted by jaydub13
That's also a big "if" on Verizon getting the iPhone. AT&T has exclusivity til 2012, and let's not forget, Verizon had their chance first, and passed on it. PLUS, Verizon doesnt have the data capability in their network to handle the iPhone. iPhone users account for 58.5% of all data used by smartphones. Verizon would have to spend a TON of money developing their network for it to handle that(AT&T spends 19 BILLION annually on the network).
And I agree, the glass front and back make me nervous. BUT, I gotta say, it is one GD cool design feature, and I can't wait to get one in my hot little hands.
I'm not gonna get into it, but if you research LTE, you'll find more what I'm talking about. Answers a few things you're talking about. Either way, I'll take a carrier I prefer over a phone any day of the week.