Originally Posted by ScottishSmoker
I am on Jordan's side in this entire debate...until Steve Jobs is dead and in the ground, I will never own another Apple product...the cult-like nature that their products have inspired are absolutely comical...its like thinking an Opus X is bar far the single greatest cigar in the world...because CigarAficianado said so...there are many reasons as to why Apple has no real chance at taking a bite out of the PC market and its applications....I carry a BlackBerry...mainly for business uses...for instance, making phone calls and checking e-mail...not as a calorie calculator or a personal video game device....
Why can't people understand it is because we like their products. If we do, what is wrong with that? Can't it be like you like Mercedes and I like BMW and why should any of that be "comical"? Where on this thread does it say Steve Jobs is the best in the world as in your Opus X analogy?
Originally Posted by newcigarz
oh well, here we go again. 
Won't end.