Originally Posted by poker
As far as durability, I admit the iPhone is pretty good. I have had the original, and the 3G.
Dont get me wrong, the glass can break, and it does not require a bad impact either. I had mine in my back pocket one day and sat on a bench on my back patio. Caught the edge of the face of the phone and thats all she wrote. The picture of the shattered glass in the pic above looks mild compared to mine.
The good news is that shattered LCD's and digitizer glass on most all iPhones can all be replaced/repaired.
With that said, I'll be getting the 4 when its released.
You just reminded me of a funny story in my life.
I am a gadget freak and when cell phones came out, I had one of the first ones in the car, then the portable briefcase, then that Motorola brick and then things got sweet as technology went, we got the Motorola Flip Phone in our lives.
I had every generation of the Flip Phone but the first one is the one you reminded me of. I walked into the AT&T store with the phone in about 25 pieces and dropped it on the counter and told them the phone stunk. It just fell apart from normal use. The jerk that was with me then started laughing and then the employee realized I was just kidding. I actually dropped the phone on the ground, it survived that impact but apparently it was poorly made as it didn't tolerate the tires going over it as I backed up my car.