Re: NHL '09 - '10 Thread
Hang on there Sparky. I dont know many Sharks fans that hate Byfugly. In fact at the shop last night a few guys said he was a critical player. What most agreed on was the SCRIPTED goal celebration was lame. The same pose, always going to his left, and always ending at the same spot on the board. True celebrations are okay, scripted celebrations where you have it planned out are lame and shows a childish mentality. Like Terrel Ownes etc. To think out how your going to celebrate a goal is strange to me and shows it is not comming from the heart. Instead it is being done to generate a response. Last I checked hockey wasn the WWE and we didnt need the villian.
As to the Canucks celebrations I will say the player I want on my team is the one who wins with class. Not the one who acts like a child jumping around or posing to the opponents crowd yelling neener neener suck on that. Thats just not how I was raised and damn sure not how I am raising my son. You win with class, you let your play on the ice or field leave the mark, not your antics after you win or score.
I know the homers will likely pour in and say there is nothing wrong with a celebration and to that I say fine. Go post your vids again and this time I ask you to find me the scripted repetative goal celebration by one of those players. The same one done over and over and over and over and over again in the same manner. I think instead you will see emotions from the heart. Score goal check, turn and skate to the left check, lift right leg check, lift arms wide check, glide into the glass with back to it and await teamates check. Well except for when he first did it in vancouver you have to add in taunt the crowd.
Still love me some Hawks, and think Byfugly is a good oldschool grinder except for the antics after the goals. I keep saying it to my son, but he doesnt get it yet, "act like you have been there before."