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Old 06-06-2010, 12:22 AM   #1
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Default Cigars of the Philippines

After searching the forums for a while I didn't find any threads about the cigars from the Philippines(Known before as the Cuba of Asia), So i thought maybe i start a thread about it. I'm a Filipino born in Davao City. I just recently moved here to the US in 2007 for college but still go home every summer (I'll be flying back there June 26 this summer and come back here Sept 16 no trading during that time ) Okay lets go to the Cigars of the Philippines. Kinda drifted away to my personal life there for a bit.. hehe

Lets start it off with a little history of the cigars of my country. Cuban tobacco seeds were first introduced into our country in the 17th century by the Spanish. It was carried on the Spanish Galleon "San Clemente" bringing 200 ounces of Cuban seed tobacco and brought to Isabela province of Cagayan Valley.

Here's a pic of the locals in Isabela during the Tobacco festival.

Yeah they go crazy with tobacco like that. We just love our tobacco.

In 1881 the company "La Flor de la Isabela" was born there making the most famous Cigar brands of the Philippines like "Don Juan Urquijo", "Alhambra"(President Kennedy Loved the Alhambra cigars"), and "Tabacalera". Tabacalera is the oldest and most popular brand of cigar in the Philippines. It has been for many years defined as the "Manila Cigar" and has been credited as the cigar that made the all the Philippine cigars world famous.

Here's a pic of tabacalera cigars:

Another notable cigar maker in the Philippines is the "Tabaqueria de Filipinas". These guys started in 1993 by Gabriel Ripoll, Jr.. These guys dont have much history yet but they do make good cigars specially the "Antonio Gimenez" brand.
Here's a pic of their cigars:

We also have really local cigars. Most of these are made by the farmers themselves. These guys are made without presses so these are usually not round and really ugly looking. These things are really cheap and i mean not even half a dollar cheap per pack. These are really good smokes to really taste the local flavor. These are not easy to find though. I cant even find these in our city. I had to fly to Isabela and go to the farms just to see these.

Here's a pic of the really local cigars:

I'll give you some translations too!
Blanco = white (most of you would know this as its spanish)
Magkaibigan = Friends
Matamis = Sweet
Mahaba = Long
Payat = Thin
Miss Philippines = I think this one is pretty self explanatory hhehehe

So there you have it guys! Thanks for reading!!

When I get back from the Philippines i'll try to bring back as much cigars as i can to let you guys try it. Maybe i'll also make a contest before coming back to the US and give the winner a Humidor made with Narra wood with your name engraved into it. You also get Tabacalera cigars in it! WOOO!! hahhaha
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