Originally Posted by Pistol
I'm on call 24/7 unless I'm on vacation man. No additional comp, but it's part of the job.
+1. If it breaks and they can't work around it, I go in, or at least try to talk them through a fix if out of town. Doesn't happen as often as it used to except with new employees (I try to keep backup equipment going good), but still does occasionally. The owner makes it worth my time at year's end, though. I have had to burn some vacation time in the past, but not often. Once got called in literally 10 minutes after pulling the camper in the driveway after coming back from Yellowstone, and spent several hours fixing a mess. It DID get me out of unpacking

Oh, and once I was called at 1 in the morning by a new guy. Seems he was trying to defrost our breakroom fridge, and started chipping out ice in the little freezer and hit the freon line. He was a little flustered that I wasn't coming in to see about it, but he survived
