That is a big unit, and with a compressor you might be interested in an active humidification system like a cigar oasis. Plenty of beads should also work. Different points of view would argue that both active and passive (beads) might work, but requires a certain balance and tweaking to get there, and often more maintenance. Definitely read into that if that is how you want to go.
Condensation drainage will be an issue if you are planning on plugging it in, and depending on that unit (I am not familiar with it) you want to plug the drain and rig up some other form of collection. Several people use the heartfelt beads (Don't add water directly to Shilala beads) and have it drain into their beads, but I have read from several that adding large amounts of water to those beads will reduce their effectiveness. A popular option is a separate drain collection that you can manually empty from time to time.
There is also the option to install a separate thermostat that will control when the unit cools usually allowing for a temperature closer to 65 and 70 opposed to the lower temperatures that they normally maintain. This generally means that the cooling would be less frequent and less intense reducing the amount of condensation while keeping it closer to an ideal temp.
Storage might be an issue, unless you just want to throw boxes in there. As already mentioned makes custom shelves and drawers for units, and I personally think that is the best way to go. However getting your own scrap cedar to make some shelves or using fridge racks/shelves that allow circulation would also work. I would make the recommendation (and I am sure there are varying options on the matter) that having some kind of shelves with lids (chasidor has great options for this) will help buffer and protect the rh and temp swings within the unit. Using cigar boxes, or smaller humidors inside would also work. I see that several people store there sticks in the open on the inside of their fridges without issue too so you might want to wait and see if that is needed with your setup.
I am a fan of having the cedar shelves and drawers for the typical reasons (humidity buffer, smell, flavor etc.), but no reason to pay more if you want to keep it on the cheap. Just get a bunch of used boxes to store your sticks in.
Then once you get it all setup you need to start looking for something else bigger cause you will outgrow that at some point and need to make an addition