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Old 06-02-2010, 11:00 AM   #23
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Default Re: A Real World Solution To the Gulf Oil Spills

Let me try and clear my position a little. I believe that ALL the companies involved should be held responsible to the degree that they were involved. I'm just saying that just because BP sub-contracted out the work, that doesn't lessen their part. One of the things that could have been used that might have stopped this (and I stress might). Was acoustic valves. Bp from what I understand didn't want to use them because they cost about $200,000.00 a pop. Sounds kind of cheap at this point, doesn't it. Now this is where I'm going to be called crazy . But, I believe that the best long term solution is to open up some of those black budget military projects and develop the energy source for the future. This country became what it is in part because of innovation. The abacus was replaced by the slide rule, then the calculator then the computer. The horse and carriage was replaced by the automobile. If we don't develop it some other country will. Then we will be left behind wondering what happened.
Right now the number one goal should be to stop the leak. The number two goal should be clean up.
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