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Old 06-02-2010, 10:29 AM   #22
.. the man from Nantucket
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Default Re: A Real World Solution To the Gulf Oil Spills

Originally Posted by catfish2 View Post
Why not hold them responsible? They have the contracts for that well. Their the general on this job. Their the ones that make multi-millions if not billions in profits each year. I hear Rush Limbaugh (and others) give lip service to things like: personal responsibility and family values. This is when we can prove that those are real values and not just lies. Lets stop rewarding the criminals in society. Stop the bailout for companies that conduct their business in incompetent ways then ask for tarp funds because their "too big to fail". Stop rewarding federal law breakers with citizenship. I don't see BP saying "were sorry" by lowering the price of gas. Personal responsibility is not just for people. It's for companies also.
Wow lots to go over here... First, I never said 'dont hold them responsible', I said I'm not sure they are the ones responsible for the problem at hand.

Do you think other companies (Transocean for ex.) dont 'make multi-millions if not billions' each year being the drilling company? I fail to see where profits apply to the situation.

Companies do have an obligation, but are you implying that you dont think BP is doing their best? Do you think BP engineers, manufactures and assembles all the drilling equipment? I'm not really sure what you point is here, since I know they're working as hard and as quickly as possible... do you think these parts just come out of thin air?

The bailouts are something totally different and I'm not going to touch on them (even though I mostly agree w/ you). I havent heard anyone, anywhere, say BP is going to get bailed out so I dont even know why you're bringing that up.

Same with citizenship... you seem to have alot of angst and dont know where to direct it.
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