tobii3, I hold you personally responsable for my purchase today!
After reading your post I went out and bought a Pelican Case 1500.
These are great cases and this size allows me to travel for work and take along 30 to 50 sticks no problem, so thanks for reminding me just how good this size is brother.
Originally Posted by tobii3
well......for those of us that end up in some of the worst places on earth, a herf case can be your bestest buddy.
I own/carry/use the following....
Xtreme 5 ct (2 ea)
Pelican 1050 case
CigarCaddy 24ct
CigarCaddy 30ct
Xtreme 50 ct
Pelican 1450
Pelican 1500
Pelican 1610
Pelican 1660 (2 ea)
And my newest addition, a Hardigg Storm Case i2450.