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Old 05-31-2010, 08:16 AM   #2233
Still Watching My Back
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althekillr is on a distinguished road
Default Re: NHL '09 - '10 Thread

fantastic game. glad they are starting leighton tonight, that last goal of the game by boucher which was game winner was really soft and showed his rustiness. philly also looked a bit tired at the end.

wish carcillo was playing they need him now for two reasons. his rough and tumble style, and he could play right wing on the first line, freeing up the former 50 goal scorer Carter to play the third line. right now with carter playing the right wing they have a fantastic first line but hurts their third line. The first line of gagne-richards-carter is great but playing in chicago, keith and seabrook matched up against them every time and shut them down. hope they can break through this game.

buff should not be as much as a factor as he was against san jose, with pronger and coburn on two seperate defense pairings being able to handle him.

will be a good one either way tonight. go flyers.
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