Thread: How Much Ammo??
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Old 05-30-2010, 10:51 PM   #1
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Question How Much Ammo??

So I was sitting here watching the NASCAR race, having a rum and a smoke - when the question crossed my mind: How much ammo do I have?

So I dragged it all out and listed it (see below). So again, I'm thinking: Is this like a normal amount? To much - not enough - I dunno. It's not like I'm expecting a Taliban or Commie attack to happen on my street in the next week. Now Zombies on the other hand - you just never know.

So how much do you guys keep around? Don't have to list it out like I did - round numbers is fine.


Current List - Not Including Clips:

500rds - 9mm Winchester Ranger NATO 124gr. FMJ
300rds - 9mm Winchester Ranger Talon 147gr. HP
200rds - 9mm Winchester Ranger +P+ 115gr JHP
60rds - 9mm Federal Hydra-Shok 147gr. JHP
150rds - 9mm Hansen Combat 147gr. FMJ
50rds - 9mm PMC 115gr. FMJ

200rds - 357 Sig Corbon Performance Match 125gr. HP
40rds - 357 Sig Gold Dot 125gr. GDHP

50rds - 40 S&W Federal LE Hi-Shok 155gr. HP
250rds - 40 S&W Winchester Ranger 165gr. FMJ
20rds - 40 S&W Gold Dot 155gr. GDHP

150rds - 38 Special Winchester 130gr FMJ

100rds - 45 Remington Golden Saber 230gr. JHP
150rds - 45 PMC 230gr. FMJ

100rds - 30-06 Springfield Sellier & Bellot 150grs SPCE
40rds - 30-06 Winchester 150gr. Supreme Elite XP3

20rds - 12 Ga. Winchester Super X 2 3/4 9 Shot
75rds - 12 Ga. Winchester Supreme Turkey 3 1/2 6 Shot
50rds - 12 Ga. Winchester AA 2 3/4 8 Shot
50rds - 12 Ga. Federal LE Tactical Full Power 9 Shot

100rds - 22L CCI HP
200rds - 22L American Eagle Solid
100rds - 22L Federal 31gr Hyper Velocity HP
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