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Old 05-28-2010, 12:42 PM   #252
Gonna make you groove...
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Default Re: Homebrewers - Whats in the fermeter?

I recently brewed Midwest Supply's "Liberty Cream Ale" kit, and it would be another good one for folks who typically drink "Big 3" beers. Very similar to BA's recipe above, with a bit more hops. After a few weeks conditioning in the bottle it really tastes excellent. This is one I can see keeping around pretty regularly.

6 lbs Light LME
.5 lbs Carapils
1 oz Cascade - 60 mins
1 0z Cascade - 2 mins

SG: 1.042-1.046
FG: 1.010-1.012
IBUs ≈ 33.4
"We live in the good of this."
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