Originally Posted by The Poet
There it is, and so it goes for all this "reality" garbage. But to my mind the mentality of those who watch is not the worst of the problem; rather, it is the participants who are hoping to get something for nothing, without working for it. In the case of Idol specifically, these kids (and not always kids either) want to go from unknown to famous in 6 weeks. Time was that an artist, in music or whatever, had to toil for years to hone the craft and establish a reputation and a following. Now they expect to "win" a contract based as much on a personality contest as for any ability they may have.
Thing is, in almost every case they get what they paid for. Most of the Idol winners and about 99% of the other contestants are effectively career dead by the time the closing credits on rolling over the winner's celebration. What is it, 2 or 3 people that have actually fashioned successful careers out of their time on the show? For those people Idol was a great boost, but they had the talent and work ethic to make it on their own anyways.
I'd agree that reality TV is one of the worst things to have happened, and not just to the US, in a very long time. It takes a lot of work to completely dumb down something called an idiot box, but reality tv's managed to do it. But hey, if keeping the drooling masses on their sofa's and glued to the screen is what makes the studio's money you can bet they'll do it!