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Old 05-27-2010, 03:08 PM   #1
Smokin Gator
Just plain insane!
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Default Ride home ruined!!!

On Thursdays I go back to where I used to live and do some work for the school system there. It is about a two hour ride and I usually take a nice stick or two for the ride home.

This morning I was going to grab a Monte 2 and decided to grab an NC instead. I kind of randomly grabbed a Victor Sinclair Double Maduro Legacy. Since I wasn't too familiar with them I decided to grab a Sol Cubano Cuban Cabinet as well just in case the VS sucked.

It was a hectic day at work so I get in the truck really anticipating a smoke. As soon as I took a draw in the clipped VS I knew it was in trouble. I have heard of guys saying a draw was so loose that it was sucking through a straw, but had never experienced it myself until today. I lit it and gave it a chance... no smoke and tasted like crap. Pitched it out the window!!

Thinking I was so smart to grab a second stick, I pull out the Sol Cubano. I clip it and take a draw. Freakin' thing was plugged like you wouldn't believe!! Now I am pissed!! I give it a try anyway and light it up. The flavor wasn't bad, but my cheeks are caving in when I draw. I pull out the trusty draw tool and give it a couple of pokes. It helps a little. I get about an inch in and it is closed up again. I give it the draw tool again and the head pops open in about an inch long split. It now gets the old heave ho!!!

I had to make due with some snus for the last hour and a half. If I had a dog I might have beaten it when I got home. That Monte that had it's life saved this morning by my miscalculation will not make it through the night.

Rant off...
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