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Old 05-25-2010, 11:07 PM   #2172
Still Watching My Back
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althekillr is on a distinguished road
Default Re: NHL '09 - '10 Thread

Now assuming the Flyers win, how do you guys think they match-up to the Hawks?
i think they are pretty evenly matched. especially with carter and gagne back. both teams have three great forward lines, both teams have great defenses. I think philly's D is more big and defensive where chicago's is more puck-rushing. I think philly has the edge in goal now that leighton is hot.

i don't believe vegas is putting chicago -260 without the juice. its an even matchup for me all the way around. And trying not to be biased as a flyers fan but i actually think the flyers have the edge. should be a great series though. my call philly in 6. go flyers.
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