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Old 05-24-2010, 03:09 PM   #52
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Default Re: B & M vs. Internet?

Originally Posted by Volusianator View Post
Very interesting. You work in a B&M but yet advocate buying boxes online? Odd. I too work at a cigar shop and will fight to the bitter end that the days of B&M stores is going to be soon over if we continue that way of thinking. I'd rather pay a few extra bucks to help ensure that in the cold sub zero winter months in WI, I have a place to go and smoke a cigar inside.
I would rather just smoke at a cigar friendly bar. I worked in B&M's as well and understand their pain vs. online. But here it is:

People who purchase online don't necessarily need a B&M there to tell them what to try and whatnot. I can get that information at places like CA or other review boards. I worked in a shop for 4.5 years, and most of my self obtained knowledge was from buying and learning online. Granted alot of folks on here giving the advice could be B&M owners, but then why give the knowledge online instead of your store.

I respect the store owners and try and give them as much business as is practical, but the fact is I am a consumer and will always look for the best deal/value.

My dream in later life is to open a B&M, but I will plan on having MUCH more up front capital than alot of these guys that have opened in the past 5-10 years, because I know that I will always have to compete w/ these big online vendors.
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