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Old 05-22-2010, 07:55 PM   #417
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Default Re: New Pipe Smoker With A Question? Ask an Old Fart

Originally Posted by mariogolbee View Post
I know the answer may be in here somewhere but it took a while just to read through the first few pages. Can I keep pipe tobacco in a desk top humi?

Thanks in advance!
Originally Posted by BigFrank View Post
First answer No. Then..
A lot of factors can play a role in this answer. I'm not sure at what humidity tobacco is ideal to store. But you can keep it in there but it will dry out. Is it in the tin? Just laying it in there?

Two options I always use are as follows. If I'm going to smoke it, within the next 4-6weeks I just keep it in the tin. If I'm going to open a tin, and not smoke it often it goes in a rubber gasket/mason jar.
Why can't you keep tobacoo in the humi? I have! The problem is that if you have cigars in there too, they will take on the flavors of the tobacco, especially if it is an aromatic or English blend.

As for the humidity level of tobacco, everybody's tastes are different. I like my tobaccos much drier than they are when shipped.

Bulk tobacco I keep int mason jars.
If I have a few tins or pouches., I keep them in tupperware or complete seal rubbermaid.

Well, that's

Peace of the Lord be with you.
Todd__ "Smoke what you like, and enjoy it!"
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