Originally Posted by baldanders
Just got a lot of 5 estate pipes off fleebag. They need a good cleaning. Whats the best way to go about cleaning them?
Thanks in advance.
Scrape old crap from the bowl with a Czech pipe tool; spit/paper towel to clean grunge off the rim; wipe bowl exterior with damp soapy cloth until clean; Everclear dipped bristle pipecleaners to rout out the stems. That's the easy stuff.
If the stem are vulcanite and have yellowed, greened or browned there are more serious measures to investigate. Start with Magic Eraser or toothpaste and baking soda for the easiest first effort at removing oxidation. There are all kinds of approaches to cleaning stems, some easier than others. Soaking in OxyClean is said to work; bleach soaking DOES work but can damage (or whiten) markings on a stem and it also furs up vulcanite, thus demanding a fine sanding or polishing after a soak.
Bowls invariably carry some kind of ghost or stink (not to mention spiders, fleas or germs). Brace bowl securely with stem removed in a tipped back position; pack with coarse kosher salt or cotton balls; fill gently to 80% full with Everclear or 91% unscented rubbing alcohol. Do not let drops of booze overflow or touch the outside of the pipe - it'll strip finish in one micro-second. Soak until dry, remove salt (or cotton) and, if nasty looking, refill and repeat. This process destinks, de-ghosts and sanitizes.
That's about it. Practice on the crappiest pipe first to refine your soak-and-scrub technique. Good results can be very rewarding.