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Old 05-14-2010, 09:57 AM   #9
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Default Re: Qucik Cbid Question

Originally Posted by Coz77 View Post
I called cbid they are sending replacements for free and letting me keep what was already sent for an additional 10 bucks. I thought that was fair.
Definitely not bad at all. I'm glad they straightened that out for you.

Originally Posted by T.G View Post
"Image indicative of product.
See description for exact detail."

Now, if the description says one size, say, toro, and the title of the auction says torpedo, and you bid thinking you would be getting torpedoes, just call them up and give them the auction lot # and they'll look into it and if it's their copy error, they'll make good on it.

Sometimes the title says the correct vitola, as does the auction, but the physical dimensions listed are incorrect. Rare occurrence, but it does happen. If such is the case, call them and explain the situation.

Same goes for packing errors, it does happen. Sometimes the wrong box or 5er gets pulled. Again, call them up.

CI/Cbid customer service is usually pretty amicable.
Yeah, they've always been very helpful from my experiences. I've never had any cigars come in that were different from the dimensions in the product detail, but the title of the bid was different. Either way, a quick call straightens that out pretty quickly.
I hope you brought a change of clothes because your eyes are about to piss tears.
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