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Old 05-13-2010, 09:33 PM   #4
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Default Re: SON OF A BEEOCH! high cholesterol! damn!

I went through the same thing last year.
Skinny body, but fat blood - part of my inheritance.
I had to knock 60-80 points off my cholesterol pronto, & without statins, as I was trying to qualify for new health insurance.
Per my doctor's suggestion, I doubled up on red yeast rice pills (2 pills 2x per day), & went totally fat-free for a month. Lots of beans, veggies & rice; the only meat I ate was shrimp sauteed in oil & garlic. The result?
Knocked 120 points off my cholesterol count!
The punchline is that the insurance co. thought I must have sent in a ringer to have such a lower count, & said I had to take another test 4 weeks later.
So I continued my diet for another 4 weeks. In the interim, though, I managed to drop another 10 pounds.

Hang in there, bro - You CAN do it!!
Pobody's Nerfect.
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