Originally Posted by e-man67
So I decided to get some bloodwork done while I was at the doc..first thing they do at the dr's office if take weight..I am 6'3 221lbs..lost 9 lbs, sweet! I get a call today on the old machine that says my cholesterol is 211..144 of that is my LDL (bad cholesterol)..Dr says to lose some weight and bring that number down..son of a B...I eat a bowl of whole grain cereal every morning, eat 2-3 pieces of fruit and a freakin low fat meal for lunch, then I eat meat and lots of it for dinner! Well, maybe only a few times per week..but I eat a bunch of cheese...maybe it had something to do with the brick of goetta I ate in the past few days...I do take fish oil though. crap! I am too young for this! How did this happen? I workout! 
Right there with you, I have delayed my 6 month follow up for two weeks. I have to take my blood work on Mon and my appt is on Thurs. Last time my cholesterol was close to 300, I have lost 35 pounds since then but we shall see.