Thread: A Wurst rant
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Old 05-08-2010, 01:34 AM   #18
Don Fernando
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Default Re: A Wurst rant

Originally Posted by RevSmoke View Post

Now then, Bratwurst are specific type of wurst, and are made by mixing ground meat (usually pork, but maybe adding other meats) to a specific style seasoning which gives it a typical brat flavor.
and this is where you go wrong Rev
A bratwurst (pronounced [ˈbʁaːtvʊɐst] De-Bratwurst.ogg (help·info)) is a sausage usually composed of veal, pork or beef. The name is German, derived from Old High German brätwurst, from brät-, which is finely chopped meat and -wurst, or sausage. Though the brat in bratwurst describes the way the sausages are made, it is often misconstrued to be derived from the German verb "braten", which means to pan fry or roast.[1] Bratwurst are usually grilled and sometimes cooked in broth or beer.
Brat is finely chopped meat, not the seasoning.
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