I had another '64 Monarca Maduro today on the way to Ohio. It lasted for 100 miles and was excellent from start to finish.
The last two inches of this cigar were out of this world. If I have ever had a cigar that finished like this one, I sure can't remember it. The frontside of this stick was a lot sweeter and champagne tasting than normal, and it was a lot less spicy than I'm used to from Padron. It was a lot like a Hemingway maduro for a long time, only fuller.
It was smooth as a baby's ass, so smooth that I could inhale a huge draw and couldn't even tell I'd inhaled it. I very seldom inhale a cigar, and it has to be really good for me to even consider it. I find that I can pick up even more flavors and more "experience" when I do, but it's not often that it's even possible. I French inhaled lots of this smoke and had a lot of fun messing around with it.
I only tossed it out the window when I had about half an inch left. I'd gotten tired of burning myself and knew it'd go out soon from all the slobber.
If I had any nads, I would have ate the roach. It was certainly good enough to eat, and it crossed my mind, cause I'm gross.I sure wish Padron could produce chewing tobacco from this line of tobacco. I don't think I'd ever chew anything else. I'm sure it would be incredible.
This particular cigar was from a fiver that Todd (Revsmoke) sent to me. Were it not for the fact that I traded him for some Litto stuff, I'd say he got the short end of the stick.

I really think I could just smoke these, Anejos and Litto's for the rest of my life and be perfectly happy, but I'm glad I don't have to.

Thanks, Todd!!!