Thread: A Wurst rant
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Old 05-07-2010, 02:22 PM   #1
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Default A Wurst rant

OK, so I have a huge pet peeve and it goes like this.

A wurst is defined as a medium or large sausage.

Now then, Bratwurst are specific type of wurst, and are made by mixing ground meat (usually pork, but maybe adding other meats) to a specific style seasoning which gives it a typical brat flavor.

Now, there are all sorts of places which are making different kinds of brats. In fact, a local store boasts of over 30 different types of brats. So, being curious I inquired, expecting such things as beef brats, venison brats, chicken brats, turkey brats, etc... The meat might change, but the seasoning remained the same.

But no, that's not it at all. They had Cajun-brats, jalepeno brats, cheddar-brats, pepper jack-brats, chili-brats, and others. I asked, "so, do they all have the normal brat seasonings in them? To which I was informed they do not. OK, so since when did -brat become the new -wurst? It seems rather simple that since a brat is a specific type of wurst, how did brat come to be the new replacement for wurst?

Since wurst means sausage, and a brat is only one specific type of sausage, shouldn't they sport wurst name for sausage? cheddar-wurst, Cajun-wurst, chili-wurst, pizza-wurst, etc...

I think they are trying to say that they are smaller sausages that go on a bun, but still, they are not brats. I mean, they have brat patties next to the bratwurst, and they have the same seasoning as their regular brats. I am OK with that, for they use the typical brat seasonings.

OK, so this just frustrates me, and I don't know why. But thanks anyway for letting me rant. I feel better.

Peace of the Lord be with you.
Todd__ "Smoke what you like, and enjoy it!"
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