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Old 05-05-2010, 02:51 PM   #1497
Jordan #2
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Default Re: First Firearm Thread.

Originally Posted by weak_link View Post
My father hasn't touched a firearm since he was in the Coast Guard 40 years ago. He finally decided to come out with me to meet up with some friends at the range this past Saturday. He said he was surprised at how much fun he had and I hope this is something we can do together every once in a while now.

A few years ago for Dad's weekend at college, I took my dad shooting. The funniest part about it is typically it's the father who takes the son shooting. My dad never grew up with guns and only owned a .22 as an adult for the random gopher.

Either way, the first time we went shooting was when I took him. Seeing the smile on his face when he touched off a 30 round mag from an AR was about as priceless as it gets

It's definitely a thing to try to continue doing.
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