What's funny is, my friend came in and saw me doing something like this. He said "Here, put these on" They were reading glasses. It was like he opened me up to a new world. I had never seen what I was doing so well before.

Now I need them all the time.
I'm going to attempt a Sam Maloof rocking chair in the near future. I'll put them to good use for sure. Here is a picture of one of his originals. One of his is for sale for the bargain price of $40.000.00 bucks. Replicas go for around $8000.00. Problem is, you'll put 12k of work into it to build it.

look closely at the transitions. Everything flows from one piece to another. Someday I'll be sitting back in one smoking a great cigar reading Fine Woodworking (With my reading glasses). (Some day)