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Old 05-03-2010, 06:58 AM   #1839
I'm nuts for the place
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Default Re: NHL '09 - '10 Thread

Originally Posted by Ahbroody View Post
awesome pic, I'm such a gear whore. I see he is wearing a Plexi shield. Micah wears one but he and one other boy in the league were the only ones. Everyone else had cages. Love the Grafs, the pattern looks like Supra 605's but the colors are reversed. Just grabbed Micah a pair of Supra 370's from back east, going to come in this week. Its his first pair of Graf's hoping they fit. By the look of the gear, Eagle gloves, Graf skates, plexi shield (preference I know) looks like he is more about comfort on the ice then flash.

Micah starts summer league on Saturday, got 1 whole week off.
Thanks.... I have become his personal photographer... After every game he is asking for the pics....

Yea, he wanted the plexi shield shortly after starting(maybe year 2), just came to me and said he wanted "one of those clear masks" or something to that effect. They are few and far between here as well. Maybe 1 in 10 at best, probably not even that. I thought there may be fogging issues, but it has not been much of an issue.

The skates are G5's.... They have the Limited color scheme, which probably threw you off.

I hear you is just a year round thing now. When I was a kid, I did whatever sport was in season and really didn't have a choice, that is just how things worked. Other than camps ect, that may allow you to play something different in the Summer for a week or 2, it was 100% seasonal. Now kids are given the choice of all the sports as their seasons come and go, most have year round access.... That is something that was not an option for me. Truthfully, I am not sure if it is a good thing....

The Little Man has done it all, but now just plays season just rolls into the next.....

Continued success to Micah.... Sounds like he is excelling at a young age, that is great for his confidence and will expand exponentially IMO.

Add: Of every sport(like I said, we have done it all), hockey is BY FAR the most fun to be a parent. Not only the game, which is far superior to be a spectator at....but the community. That must make up for the financial end, which has to be the worst.....

I apologize for the hi-jack
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