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Old 05-02-2010, 08:57 PM   #4
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Default Re: Seriously thinking about buying a graphics tablet PC; a little hel


I'm not too sure what your main goal with the tablet would be, but I believe that any configuration that you pick (of what you listed) would be a more capable computer than what you currently have. You can connect the tablet to a docking station and external monitor(s) and run it like a desktop (that is what I do, in addition to using it as a laptop and a tablet).

As far as choices:

I would definitly go with an i5 processor, largely because the i7 requires a lot of energy (meaning not very long battery life). I would also choose 64 bit, because they are more capable (however, I am not sure if you would see the advantage in everyday use). The other options depend on what you want the computer to do for you.
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