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Old 04-29-2010, 02:19 PM   #21
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Default Re: Iphone os 4.0 officially on Apples page

Originally Posted by white_s2k View Post
, so hopefully used 3GS phones will still be commanding a pretty penny when I go to sell.
I thought about this when I upgrade, but at the end of the day I think I'll give it to my two little nieces to use as an Itouch, they hog my iphone whenever they get the chance.

This is the first phone I've ever had that actually has a use once I'm no longer using it as a phone. Thinking about it, other than the Iphones and and the recently on the market Android phones, there are very few phones out there that are useful for anything at all once you upgrade to a new phone. They either get donated to a charity, or sit in a drawer collecting dust for the most part.

Yet another reason why Iphones rule!
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