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Old 04-27-2010, 08:09 AM   #5
The Nightman Cometh...
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Default Re: Coffee & Cigar Pairing

Originally Posted by jmsremax View Post
That's's Monday and if my memory serves me correct it's a work day for you.

I like the thread
Oh, I was working. I was just taking a different approach that you were. (Like setting my laptop up on the deck and enjoying the sun, a coffee, and a smoke. )

Originally Posted by Mister Moo View Post
Never works for me with regular brew. Either the cigar keeps going out or the coffee goes cold.

Try a maduro with Costa Rican Tarrazu moka, a cuban coffee or plain espresso. One or two gulps and the coffee is gone (no chance it'll get cold) but the flavor hangs in your mouth for another 30-45 minutes; cigar gradually takes over. Good luck in pursuit of perfection.
I've found that as usually gets cold. I've been using my Keurig and brewing it in smaller cups. I figure it's better to just get a couple of small cups instead of drinking cold coffee.

Thanks for the recommendation...I'll definitley have to give that a try. I'm getting an Aeropress, so I'll be able to make espressos now.
I hope you brought a change of clothes because your eyes are about to piss tears.
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