Originally Posted by thebiglebowski
i read most of the first one when he had it up online (4, 5 years ago?) before he took it down to publish. i wouldn't go so far as to say he's a brilliant writer, by any means. it was a fun read, and i'm a huge zombie nut, but i wasn't tempted to purchase.
much better read, i'd say, is max brooks' world war Z - really well done, thought out and hopefully coming to a theater near us, at some point (brad pitt's production company bought the rights, but it's kinda floundering). also, there's an ongoing comic/graphc novel called the walking dead - also well done. and will be a six part mini-series on AMC this fall.
don't get me wrong, i'm not trying to deter anyone from buying the day by day book, i just wasn't totally enamored with it.
and wtf? tebow with the 25th pick? does mcdaniels just do stuff for shock value?
I just got World War Z and started into it. It looks like I'm gonna like it, thanks Larry.

I got the Zombie Survival Guide, too. I seem to remember leafing through that one at a bookstore long ago, thinking I might enjoy it. Bought something else. There's a newish book called Zombies Forever, and it looks like its going to be fun. It's supposed to be funny.