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Old 04-23-2010, 04:25 PM   #20
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Default Re: Setting up a NAS

Originally Posted by jkim05 View Post
Thanks for all the help guys. I run a doctor's office, and we have ~10 users max at any time. We actually don't really have any sensitive data on our computers with the exception of our scheduling/practice management software, which we currently back up onto an external HD. Our technology implementation is actually pretty outdated, but since we have no need to upgrade, we haven't. My plan is gradually begin upgrading, rebuilding and/or replacing most of the computers in this office over the next couple of years and having centralized storage would make that much simpler as I would no longer have to figure out what data is stored on what computer.

As for size, I'm thinking 500gb in a RAID 1 configuration should be sufficient, though I'm tempted to go much larger. Is it cost effective to go much larger than that? Also, is it even worth it to RAID two drives or should I just go for external backup to the NAS?

Raid 1 is pretty expensive in terms of disk space usage and most NAS I have used came with 4 or 5 disks. At a minimum I would go 3 disks and use RAID 5. Faster feeds, redundancy if 1 disk fails, and if you go to 4 disks so much the better. Disks are cheap insurance.

"Also, is it even worth it to RAID two drives or should I just go for external backup to the NAS?"

Yes, with at leat Raid 1 or better RAID 5 if one drive fails they are still in business and can keep the doors open. If you JBOD (RAID 0) if 1 disk fails - close the doors and go find your backup plan. RAID 5 with 4 disks is the route I would go minimun especially if IT support on site is weak. Disks are cheap....

So my thoughts...

RAID 5 with 750 - 1T for day to day file usage. Even if they don't have a lot of "data" yet, set it up to hold images of the workstations, your Office loads (faster than a cd, etc)

Use 1 or 2 externals to swap out daily to bring one home each night.
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Last edited by Volt; 04-23-2010 at 04:35 PM.
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