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Old 04-23-2010, 04:14 PM   #18
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Default Re: Setting up a NAS

Originally Posted by Cyclone View Post
Hey Volt,

We have the same type of clients and needs...

I'm about to build a new server for one of my lawyer clients and am considering a NAS to backup their server plus USB storage to take off-site.

Good info!
I don't even really like the Doc on a server but it's needed and teh lawyer is straight NAS. I don't charge them a lot, but everything I can do to keep the technology low and minimize my trips actually works to the good for me.

The hrad part for me was working around the zero data loss requirements the lawyer has. They swap out a USB portables each night to minimize data loss. Cloud backup would be nice but lawyer files and patient records - maybe not so much. Their call.
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