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Old 04-23-2010, 01:38 PM   #15
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Default Re: Setting up a NAS

Originally Posted by dunng View Post
Stay away from the Seagate Black Armour NAS... the internal OS crashed and took my data with it! As well, there is a very limited technical support period for this device.

Regarding data encryption, just hope you don't have any data for MA residents... http://infosecuritydecisions.techtar...ompliance.html

I have done some work with PCI (Payment Card Industry) stuff and they are way more stringent. TJ Maxx got sued class-action style because they lost 43 million credit card numbers. Cost them over $140 Million. Worst part is they were 95% of the way through their PCI compliance process when it happened. So, even though they were trying to do the right thing, they were compromised and were considered liable.
“Eating and sleeping are the only activities that should be allowed to interrupt a man's enjoyment of his cigar;” Mark Twain
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