Originally Posted by jmsremax
Simple, he said he was under a branch....you will not be hitting anything straight above your head so using a higher iron isn't an issue. Also, he said he meant his 9 iron so bringing this up is useless.
well there are many ways to be under a tree and not hit it 90* in the air and still clip a tree.... and if you are 50yds out trying to drop it on the green, you generally get a pretty decent amount of air under your ball, hence the worry of hitting a tree.
Not to mention, you wouldn't use a 7 iron to make that shot, unless you only hit a 7 iron 50 yds.... and if he drove it to within 50yds of the green on a par 4, chances are he can hit a 7 iron more than that distance.
but I digress, and am going to try like hell to let this thread die haha