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Old 04-19-2010, 09:15 AM   #10
The Nightman Cometh...
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Default Re: Latest Flavor of the week

Originally Posted by jitzy View Post
Not so much a new cigar but I do find myself going nuts for like a week or so only smoking specific brands, the last 5 days or so I was smoking nothing but Tats and the week before it was nothing but Liga's. I get a taste for certain cigars and go with them for a week or so.
I tend to do that too...maybe that's exactly what I'm doing now. I smoke something I like and then I just can't get enough of it for like a week or two. I just picked up some 601 Blues and LOVED those, so maybe that will be this weeks flavor.
I hope you brought a change of clothes because your eyes are about to piss tears.
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